Volunteers are essential to the success of Leu Gardens. Whether you give a few hours a month or a week or even a few hours for an event, volunteering is vital for the growth of Leu Gardens. A wide range of volunteer opportunities are available throughout the year for individuals to organizations. You can volunteer to work in the gardens, give tours of the gardens or historic home or even help out at special events. Volunteers must be 16 years or older and it’s great for high schoolers to get their service hours. Volunteers enjoy a variety of special privileges including training, field trips, potlucks with special lectures, workshops and social hours.
Volunteer Opportunities
Historic Leu House Museum
Tour guides are needed to tell the story of the history of the gardens and the Leu family.
Horticulture & Gardens
A variety of planting, maintenance, propagating, and other grounds projects need help year-round in our 50-acre gardens.
Guest Services
Helping our visitors learn about how to start their visit, answer questions about the gardens, and ensure everyone has a great experience is a very important job when guests first arrive.
Programs & Events
The gardens has classes, camps, events, and programs throughout the year, in which setting up, guiding guests and students, providing parking help, and helping staff is needed.
Filing, answering phones, stuffing envelopes, organizing supplies, and working on data entry is a critical support need.
Group Volunteering
Looking for a one-time volunteer opportunity for your group? Schools, companies, scouts, and other groups are all welcome, and we can usually find an appropriate activity for your group to help with at the Gardens.