Evening and Weekend Rental Rates

We offer several options for celebrating the life of your loved one.  Please fill out this form to check availability of garden spaces or indoor rooms.

Evening and Weekend Room Rates
After 5:00 p.m. weekdays, also including anytime Saturdays & Sundays
Rooms are rented on a four-hour basis.

RoomAttendeesFour HoursDeposit
Camellia Roomup to 180 guests$1,125$562.50 (or half rental fee)
(Rental of Camellia Room Includes the Screened Veranda)
Magnolia Roomup to 45 guests$450$225 (or half rental fee)
Rose Roomup to 25 guests$450$225 (or half rental fee)

Leu Gardens/City of Orlando requires all events serving food and/or beverages to contract with Leu Gardens selected caterers. The selected caterers will provide table and chair set-up and food/beverages. Please see the list of available caterers.

Equipment Available
We offer complimentary tables and chairs, WiFi, podium and microphone, lavalieres, wireless microphones, TV/DVD, LCD projector, screen, and media cart for no additional fee. Equipment is reserved when event is scheduled.

Refund Policy
Cancellations and date changes must be requested in writing. In case the event is canceled or changed by Lessee, the following refund policy will be exercised:

Full Refund60+ days notification
One-half Refund30 – 59 days notification
No RefundLess than 30 days notification