Where do I park?
We offer parking at the Gardens. Please park legally and not in the neighborhoods or blocking any driveways.
Self parking locations approximately 1/4 a mile from with closest entrance on Nebraska:
Advent Health Medical Group Cardiology located at 1613 North Mills Avenue, Orlando, 32803
Women's Center for Radiology located at1621 North Mills Avenue, Orlando, 32803
Orlando Immunology Center located at 1707 North Mills Avenue, Orlando, 32803
How many vendors?
Over 60. Please click the links above for a 2025 Plant Sale map and a list of vendors and what they will be selling once available.
Do vendors accept credit card?
Most of the vendors accept credit card. There will be two ATMs in the gardens for cash.
Do you have ATMs?
During the Plant Sale, there are 2 ATMs in the center of gardens for guests.
Will a map of all the vendors and their location be handed out?
The Plant Sale map is only available online and will be added in February.
What if it rains?
The Plant Sale is rain or shine.
Do you allow pets?
Sorry, for the safety of our guests and the gardens, pets are not permitted. Service animals are permitted.